Putting an end to ridden issues with your horse, without the need for quick-fix gadgets or excessive force.

The most common statements we hear from horse owners struggling with ridden issues are:

  • “Why is this happening to me? Why doesn't my horse want to do it?”
  • “I'm losing my confidence to ride my own horse”
  • “Maybe I’m just not good enough…”
  • "I feel like I don't know what I am doing and I don't know who I should trust for help"

Ridden issues are common, and we all struggle to ride our horses from time to time while we juggle the rest of our busy lives and battle the weather. However, for some horse owners it is more a case of it always being a struggle to ride their horse, even in perfect conditions. When faced with frequent and regular ridden issues, it is easy to lose confidence, interest and enjoyment.

All too often horse owners and riders are left in the dark as to why their horse is behaving in a certain way when under saddle. In some cases, certain displays of equine ridden behaviour have become glamorised by social media and a standard has been set to simply 'accept' them or 'ride it out' . Here at The Equine Method we do not accept such generalisations and we are dedicated to understanding the root cause of unwanted and confusing ridden issues and behaviours. We are frequently saddened by the abundance of videos and posts on social media showing horse riders 'riding through' issues when it is clear that there is a deeper issue causing the behaviour.

The Equine Method understands that everyone is at a different stage in their journey with their horse and that every horse-human combination has different aspirations and goals. Clients of The Equine Method are always treated as individuals and as such, all training is tailored to you and your horse. You do not have to be riding at a competitive level, we welcome riders of all levels, from very beginners to the very experienced.

Many people who experience difficulties when riding their horse, often fall into one of four categories

Confused & Frustrated

You enjoy riding your horse and generally there aren't big issues in your horse-human relationship. However, now and again your horse behaves in a certain way when ridden and it feels like no matter what you do, you can not control or change it. The behaviour appears 'out of the blue' and it is 'completely random'. Such events are starting to affect your enjoyment with your horse and not knowing why your horse is doing it, is getting to you.

Feel Inadequate & Losing Confidence

A fall or nasty incident has occurred while you were in the saddle. Nerves developed over time and perhaps there is a sense of peer-pressure from others to, "just get on with it". You lose confidence and do less and less with your horse to limit the possibilities of getting hurt or looking foolish. You wish you could take part in the fun rides, the competitions or even the group hacks, but it’s not worth the risk. You feel guilty because you feel that your horse is 'missing out' and that it's your fault.

"It's Just The Way The Horse Is"

The issues you are facing have become the 'status quo'. You feel like you have exhausted all possible outlets of help from other equine professionals but nothing has worked long-term. You hear yourself telling people, "it's just the way my horse is" in an attempt to smooth over undesirable behaviour. But really, you would love nothing more than for this not to be the case.

The New Combination

You are new to horses, or perhaps this is the first horse you have had on your own. You are aware of your own limitations but you want the best possible start with your horse. You've looked online for professional support but you want more than just riding lessons. You want guidance when riding your horse, but you also want guidance in developing the best possibly relationship with you your horse.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list, but for the most part of the general horse owner population, the above is true.

If you are a NEW COMBINATION then our 'Building Successful Foundations' is perfect for you. This is for New Horse-Human Combinations to support the start of your journey together and to safeguard away from difficulties in the future.

Click Here To Chat With Jen For More Information

If Your Currently Struggling When Riding Your Horse, Here Are Seven Reasons Why It Might Be Lasting Longer Than It Should

  • You didn’t think it would actually take this long to go away and that the horse would grow out of it.
  • The undesirable behaviour under saddle is 'random' and it doesn't make sense
  • You went to your coach/ trainer/ respected friend/ FB for advice however nothing has worked, or well meaning people on FB spent more time giving you their personal stories and experiences which didn’t actually benefit you.
  • Someone you know told you that “some horses are just like that” or "the horse is at it, tell it who is boss" - honestly, this is really bad advice...
  • You tried to get other people to ride your horse and although your horse went differently for them, it didn't change anything for you.
  • You searched the Internet, watched some videos or got ideas that promised immediate relief but they either didn’t do a thing, or made your situation worse.
  • You decided to get some different bits of tack & equipment hoping that it would fix your problems, it might have worked initially or made the situation more ‘manageable’ but didn’t do anything to fix it long-term.
  • It has already become too daunting to get back in the saddle and now you simply don't ride.

Does That Sound Like You?

If any of this resonates with you?

You’re not alone - we hear and see this type of issue ALL the time.

How We Can Help You & Your Horse

  • Standing still to be mounted at the mounting block or steps etc.
  • Reliable "breaks" without resorting to more tack or stronger bits.
  • Improving the responsiveness to the aids when riding
  • Overcome refusing, rushing and running out at fences
  • Improve your confidence in the saddle while building your horse's confidence too
  • Achieve relaxation in the dressage arena
  • Confidence and competence when using poles in schooling
  • Getting back into jumping
  • Napping and spooking behaviour when ridden
  • Confidence and control when riding in open spaces including hacking
  • Support you and your horse through ridden rehabilitation programmes*
  • ‘Misbehaviour’ when schooling and/or jumping

* Rehabilitation programs for injury or illness should only be set by a vet or registered equine physiotherapist. The Equine Method can support you through these to ensure you are getting the best out of your rehab training sessions. It is not our place to diagnose or treat equine medical issues.

Virtual Coaching & Consultation

For overseas and long-distance clients, online consultations and training is available, however the number of virtual clients is limited per year.

Please get in touch for current availability

Check out 'The Equine Method' on Facebook and Instagram for the most recent updates, clients progress videos and news!

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